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Sinclair's World

Fashion Suxxx


At Sinclair Wear we live for fashion but we know that

fashion suxxx the life out of the planet and the environment.

That is why we are devoted to doing whatever we can to improve its stain on the globe.



The fashion and textile industry runs at a close second to the oil industry as the leader the largest polluter in the world.

The fashion industry contributes 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions due to its long supply chains and energy intensive production.


Quantis found that over 90% of the emissions for apparel come from four activities: dyeing and finishing, fabric preparation, yarn preparation, and fiber production.  Quantis 2018 Report –


In 2018 the fashion industry produced 2.1 billion tonnes CO2eq. This represents 4% of global carbon emissions – an emissions’ share larger than that of France, Germany and the UK combined.


The US is the largest importer of garments in the world; nearly 40% of apparel products sold in the US are imported from China.


Fashion Industry Waste Statistics


  • 208M lbs. of waste were generated by single-use outfits in 2019

  • 1 in 2 people are throwing their unwanted clothes straight in the trash. The result?  64% of the 32B garments produced each year end up in landfill.

  • Environmental Protection Agency Clothing and Footwear Waste Management 2018 report: Landfilled: 9,070,000 US tons; Recycled: 1,690,000 US tons; Combustion with Energy Recovery: 2,210,000 US tons.  From 1960 – 2018 all data higher than previous years.

  • Between 2000 and 2014, clothing production doubled with the average consumer buying 60 percent more pieces of garment compared to 15 years ago. Yet, each clothing item is now kept half as long. 

  • Nearly 20% of global wastewater is produced by the fashion industry.

  • Cotton farming is responsible for 24% of insecticides and 11% of pesticides, despite using only 3% of the world’s arable land.

  • 20,000 liters is the amount of water needed to produce one kilogram of cotton; equivalent to a single t-shirt and pair of jeans.

  • It takes more than 5,000 gallons of water to manufacture just a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. 

  • Textile industry is one of the top 3 water wasting industry in China, discharging over 2.5 billion tons of wastewater every year.

  • About 15% of fabric intended for clothing ends up on the cutting room floor. This waste rate has been tolerated industry-wide for decades.

  • According to Christina Dean, Redress, waste generated in China is not known, with estimates that China will soon make 50% of the world’s clothing – the indications for textile waste there are mind-blowing.  Daily in Hong Kong, there are 253 tons of textiles sent to landfill.

Change takes time - it may feel that ones small contribution goes unnoticed but if every person made a small effort the change would be astronomical. Modifying small everyday habits makes a world of a difference.


Consumers throw away shoes and clothing [versus recycle], an average of 70 pounds (31,75 Kg) per person, per year. 


Not every community has a textile recycling programs, therefor about 85% of this waste goes to landfills where it occupies about 5% of landfill space and the amount is growing. 


Up to 95% of the textiles that are land filled each year could be recycled. 


Landfill space is expensive and hard to find. 


Using recycled cotton saves 20,000 litres of water per kilogram of cotton, a water-intensive crop.


How can you help?


Swap share


One person’s trash is another person’s treasure, right? Create a clothing exchange among your friends. Have a party where each person brings clothes that he or she no longer wants. Trade with your friends so that everyone leaves with fresh items for their wardrobe – without spending a dime or sending anything to the landfill. you are absolutely sure you have finished with an item of clothing - think about donating it to someone or an organisation.




If your are absolutely sure you have finished with an item of clothing why not sell them? It's so easy these days to see items online. Your clothes have served you well so why not cash in on them.




Why not do a good deed and simply donate to someone or an organisation - they will pass it on to someone who would deeply appreciate it and you would have helped someone.




Think before you buy. Try to resit the impulse buy. We are programmed to be attracted to a good deal because the price is low, but do you really want or need it? If you are unsure - walk away.


Sinclair's tips to help the environment


Benifits of handwashing


It has become common place to have the washing machine on a loop cycle, especially if there are many people in the houehold. However, consider that your clothes will actually last longer if you wash them less. We recommend that you wash your garments by hand as often as possible and allow them to hang dry. In many cases simply airing or brushing a garment regulary is sufficient to keep it fresh for a longer period of time. For small stains or marks consider spot cleaning.This will effectively save water, energy and prolong the life of your favourite garments.


Hang drying


We encourage and support the old school method of hang drying your clothes whenever possible. The benifits are again - your favourite items will last longer and hold their color and you would be contributing to sustain the enviroment. However, if you must machine wash it is recommended to wash on a 30°C cycle as this temperature helps to reduce electricity. In addition to not using a timble dryer your contrubution to decreasing energy comsumpation would be greatly noticed.  


Green drycleaning


When you simply must use a profesional dry cleaner, try to go for an eco or green dry cleaner. Most dry cleaners use a high percentage of harmful chemicals that has a negative affect on the enviroment, thus your health and your childrens.       



Sinclair Wear loves fashion and believes that clothes are an important element of self expression. However we are very conscious of the amount of needless tons of wastage the fashion industry produces internationally on a daily basis.

Our mission and business model is to not add to this problem but to create circular fashion by working with discarded, unwanted materials and end of stock garments.  With these elements at our disposal we then  redesigned, restyled, recreated new fashion.  This allows the brand to be responsibility active towards environmental issues.  In short fashion doesn't have to Suxx. It can also be responsible, innovative, environmental aware  and creative.


Denim Deluxx Collection
Pre -Order Items
All garments made from recycled denim & faux leather


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